Recently, I wrote a guide for parents helping their blind teens through the process of getting disability support at university. But what if you’re a young (or older) blind person who is working through the process mostly on your own. Even if you have support, perhaps you want to take the lead on this one. Here’s my advice for navigating an often frustrating system so that you can get the most out of it.
I’m on my third stint at university, having obtained a BA in Spanish in 2019, a MA in Social and Public Policy in 2021, and now studying a second BA in Classical Studies part-time through the Open University. I also work within the sector, so I am fortunate to have seen the system from a number of different angles.
If you’re a blind student heading to university in the UK, arranging the support you need is a process that requires a lot of planning and the ability to keep track of many moving parts. This might be the first time you’ve had to take full ownership of your support, but it’s essential that you do. As frustrating as it can be, if you are in control and are the one who knows what’s going on, it’s going to make the process a lot easier for you.
Year 12, 18 to 12 months before you go to university
Step 1: Set realistic expectations
Support at university is not automatically transferred from school, even if you had an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). University support is funded through the Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA), which is a separate system with multiple steps. Some support is also funded through your higher education provider. That could be a college or university, depending on what course you are studying. If there’s one piece of information I’d like every blind student to remember, it would be to always keep in mind that nothing happens automatically. You have to be the one driving this process, or absolutely nothing is going to happen.
The second expectation you need to keep in mind is that this isn’t a quick system. If you’re starting in September, you can’t start to get moving in August. Even starting early doesn’t leave you much time to get everything in place.
Step 2: Think about what you want from a university
Before you even apply for university, have a serious think about what you want from the university experience. Do you love being around lots of people? Are you chronically introverted and just want to be left alone? Do you love getting out for a walk every day, or would you prefer to engage in as little movement as possible? These aren’t blindness questions, and I always advise that students first narrow down their university list by their personal preferences before they even start thinking about blindness. This is because you could be at the best university in the world for disability support, but if it’s in a city and you love to live in a remote location, you may still hate it. Every blind student is different, and just because one blind student had a bad experience at a university doesn’t mean you will, as so much depends on the course and the support you get from academic staff.
Here are some questions you might want to ask yourself when narrowing down the list:
- Is it a city or campus university. A city university is one where the university buildings are spread out throughout the city. A campus university has a separate, self-contained campus. Some are a sort of hybrid mix.
- How far away is the student accommodation from the university campus or buildings? Will I have to walk between the two, or is there a bus. Keep in mind that travel support may also be available.
- Do they have the sorts of sports, clubs and societies I might be interested in?
- How well respected is the university for my course?
- Do they offer study placements or a year abroad? Is this something I’d like to do?
- Does the university town have a train station? Is there public transport that connects me with one?
- Do I want to live near my family or am I happy to move further away from home?
Once you’ve thought about where you might like to study, find a few universities that meet this criteria and that also offer your course. It’s time to move on to step 3.
Step 3: Book open days and make contact
It’s time to start booking open days. You’re probably in your last term of year 12 by this point, though some students choose to do this earlier, or leave it to the first term of year 13. I think either can work, depending on the student. It’s definitely worth going to a few open days, just to get a feel for what a university campus is like.
It’s also worth emailing the university to see if disability services will have a presence at the open day. If not, you could email them directly to see if they will be able to meet with you to discuss what support they offer in house. You could also ask them if there is a disabled student you could meet with on your open day, so that they can tell you a little about their experience.
How the university reacts to these kinds of requests can tell you a lot about their attitude towards disabled students.
Year 13, 12 to 1 months before you go to university
Step 4: Narrow down your choices and get applying!
You can never know exactly what the disability support at any university will be like until you get there. Once you’ve made some choices, it’s time to put in your UCAS application. Your school should be supporting you through this process.
Step 5: Gather your documents for DSA
The Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) funds a variety of support, including:
- Hardware, including laptops (with some criteria), braille displays, braille embossers, hand-held magnifiers, and other reading technologies such as the PEARL Portable Reading camera.
- Software, including screen readers, magnification, OCR, audio recording (to support with note taking), and braille transcription software.
- Training, including assistive technology, and orientation and mobility.
- Human support, including a specialist support professional, note-taker, and sighted guide.
- Taxi travel or mileage where needed.
- The difference between standard and more accessible accommodation, though you must have medical evidence that states that you need this.
In order to apply for DSA, you will need to fill in a form and submit medical evidence with it. I recommend starting to gather this evidence before applications open. Generally, DSA applications open in March along with the student loans application, so you should be looking at doing this in January of the year you are planning to start university. You could submit a GP letter, a report from your ophthalmologist, a registration document from your council, or an assessment report from a rehabilitation officer. Remember that if you have multiple different conditions, for example you are blind or visually impaired but are also autistic or have a mobility impairment, you will need to gather evidence for each condition. If you have low vision, and leaning close to screens or paper has caused you to develop back pain, please gather evidence that states you also have back pain and apply for DSA for this as well. Visual impairment alone won’t qualify you for extra support like ergonomic equipment, but if you have back pain you will be eligible for this. I know in our minds we may see how these things go together, but sadly the system does not.
If your parents normally handle all of your healthcare, you could ask them to help you scan in the evidence, to email you a copy, or to give you the phone numbers so that you can request it yourself. I definitely recommend having electronic copies that you can keep, because throughout your life you will need to provide evidence of your visual impairment over and over again. Having it in an electronic format means you’re not relying on others when you need it next time.
Step 6: Submit your DSA application
In March, apply for student finance and along with that DSA. You should be able to indicate on your application form that you are disabled and will be applying for DSA. The DSA form on the website should be accessible, but if it isn’t you have a legal right to an accessible copy from student finance. There’s an email address you can contact, and here are some tips for things to include in your email.
- I am blind, and will require an accessible Word document that I can fill in using a screen reader.
- I will be signing my form electronically.
- I will return my form, along with my medical evidence, by email.
Alternatively, you could also ask your parents, a QTVI, or a habilitation officer to support you in filling in the form. Make sure that they act as your reader, and you think about how to answer the questions. Don’t worry if you don’t yet know where you are going to go to university. If you’re still waiting for responses, put down where you’re planning on going as this can be updated. It’s more important to get the application in.
Step 7: Book and prepare for your needs assessment
Once Student Finance approves your application, you’ll receive a DSA1 letter, confirming the conditions you’re eligible for and directing you to book a needs assessment. This assessment determines what support and equipment you’ll receive. Depending on where you live, you will either be directed to StudyTech or Capita for your needs assessment. They should make contact with you, and you’ll want to book in your assessment as soon as you can.
To prepare for your assessment, you can:
- Think about what kinds of support you think you need. Take into consideration advice from others, but you should always go with what feels most comfortable for you.
- Try some technology in advance. If you want a braille display but don’t know what’s out there, make contact with the technology companies to book in a demo so you can get hands-on with them.
- Write down your preferences, for example which screen reading software you feel most comfortable with, so you don’t forget anything.
Step 8: Attend your needs assessment
Your assessment could either be face-to-face or online, depending on your preference. It’s important to remember that the assessment is a conversation rather than a test. Your assessor will likely offer you some recommendations, but you’re going to have a smoother experience if you have an idea of the kind of support you will need. During the assessment you will discuss:
- Reading: how do you access printed text, both digitally and in hard copy. Are you a braille user? Do you use a screen reader, or can you access a computer with magnification. Will your course require you to conduct research using documents that might not be available digitally, or can you just access electronic books through the library.
- Writing: Can you touch type? How fast is your typing speed, and are you confident with using Word to write your essays. Do you struggle to identify spelling and grammar errors, particularly if you are low vision? Do you like to proofread your work in braille? Do you have a preference for refreshable or hard copy braille, and why?
- Note taking: How confident are you with writing notes. Do you feel comfortable using your laptop or refreshable braille display to write notes in your lectures. Do you ever struggle to keep up, for example if there’s lots of text to copy down, or if you are a large print user who needs to write more slowly.
- Organisation: Do you know how to organise your documents in a way that works for you non-visually? Have you found ways of colour coding your documents that is high contrast so you can see them? Are you able to use organisational apps like your phone’s calendar?
- Practical work: Do you need to do any lab work as part of your course? Will you complete a work placement? Is studying abroad an option for you? What concerns or support ideas do you have about this?
- Exams: What adjustments do you currently have in your exams? Do you need exams in alternative formats, for example braille, large print, or electronically? Will your exams include diagrams or scientific or mathematical information, and if so, what is your preferred format for this? How confident do you feel with revision and preparing for exams, and how does your visual impairment affect you when revising?
- Presentations and group work: How confident are you when public speaking. Are you able to read information off presentation slides, and if so, what format do you use to access this information.
- Travel: Do you use a mobility aid such as a white cane, symbol cane, or guide dog? Will you need orientation and mobility training so that you can familiarise yourself with the campus? Do you prefer to be guided everywhere? Would you like some temporary guiding, in addition to mobility training, for your first few weeks? Can you use public transport and are you required to use this to get to university? If not, will you require taxi travel if you live further away?
Make sure that you speak up if your assessor suggests something you don’t agree with. Perhaps they suggest a sighted guide when you would prefer mobility training. It is your support and your degree, so you have the right to express a preference and ensure that you get what you need. I found it helpful to bring a parent to my first needs assessment. I spoke about my needs, but then I asked them to fill in any gaps or raise things that I hadn’t thought of. This was helpful because they didn’t speak for me but they were there to fill in where I’d forgotten things.
Step 9: Order your equipment and support
After your assessment, you’ll receive:
- A copy of your needs assessment report.
- Acknowledgement from Student Finance that they have received your report and will get back in contact.
- A DSA2 letter from Student Finance, confirming what’s been approved and how to order it.
It is your responsibility to:
- Order your assistive technology from the provider named in the letter.
- Arrange your training, whether that’s assistive technology or mobility training. Again, the provider will be named in the letter.
- Contact any providers for human support such as note-takers and sighted guides.
- Make contact with the named taxi company, if travel support has been recommended.
Act immediately but sensibly. Your support will not be in place when term starts if you don’t. It’s worth calling your non medical help (human support) providers to let them know you will be starting university in September, where you will be studying, and what support you’ve been recommended from them. Even if you don’t have your start date just yet, you can check in to ensure that they can provide this support.
However, don’t arrange support unless you can make use of it. For example don’t book in your assistive technology training until you’ve already received your equipment. Your trainer can’t teach you to use a laptop if you don’t have one!
Unfortunately, as with every step of the DSA process this can take time. Sometimes you contact a provider and they say they don’t provide the support, so you have to go back to student finance and your needs assessor for a new recommendation. This is why it’s essential to start this process as soon as you have your DSA2 letter.
Step 10: Get in contact with your university again
It’s hard to place this step within the list, because it occurs independently of the DSA process. You should make contact with your university again as soon as you’ve accepted your offers. Even if you don’t yet have your grades, make contact with the disability team at your first choice and see if they’d like you to start setting up a learning support plan at this stage.
DSA funds some adjustments, but other support is the university’s responsibility. This includes:
- Exam adjustments such as extra time, rest breaks, use of a laptop, and alternative formats.
- Accessible lecture materials.
- Library support.
- Access to RNIB Bookshare (education collection)
- Adjustments to your student accommodation if living in halls.
It’s really important that when you have a meeting with the disability support team you speak up. Although your parents can be incredibly helpful, universities expect to communicate with you directly. Building a good relationship with your disability advisor early on ensures they can support you throughout your course.
When you have a meeting with them, you might want to ask:
- What assistive technology, if anything, do they have on campus?
- Are there any study spaces specifically for disabled students?
- Do they offer regular drop in sessions so that you can get support if needed?
- Do they assign a specific advisor to each student, or are you expected to contact the wider team?
- Is there a disabled students network on campus?
- Does the disability support team run any events that connect disabled students?
- How are exam adjustments arranged? Is this done automatically or do you need to fill in a separate form?
- Will lecture handouts and presentations be provided in alternative formats? What is the process for this?
- Are lecture recordings available? If not, do you have to obtain permission before recording your lectures?
- Is library support available? What is the process for booking this support?
- Does the university already have RNIB Bookshare membership? If so, how do students request an account?
- Can blind students move into their accommodation in advance to start with orientation and mobility training?
- Can blind students request their own bathroom, as it’s difficult to see what mess others have left behind?
- Are larger rooms available for students with guide dogs?
- Are the appliances such as cookers and washing machines accessible for blind people to use?
- Is there help available in the student accommodation, for example a central office?
- Are there guide dog spending areas at the accommodation and on campus?
Disability advisors are often the one person that is on your side when things go wrong. Building a good relationship with them early on is so important as they can get to know you and really support you once you start. If you show up in September without having made contact, you really can’t be upset with them if they aren’t prepared with all the support you need. This goes back to my point at the very start. Nothing happens without you taking ownership.
Step 11: Start university
Before you start, it’s good to call all of those providers again with your start date, and to book in your first support sessions. Whether that’s a mobility training session or to schedule a note-taker for your first lecture. Things may be a bit rough at first, and some providers are better than others. But remember you now have contact with the disability team, and if you’re concerned, let them know immediately that your other support has been delayed. This gives them the chance to help come up with an alternative.
I’ve given so much information in this guide, and it can be hard to keep track of it all and to think about when everything should happen. Here’s a brief list of steps with suggested timeframes:
- 12-18 months before university: Research your options and explore open days.
- 9-12 months before: Apply through UCAS, attend last few open days.
- 6-9 months before: Gather medical evidence, book demos with assistive tech companies.
- 6 months before: Apply for student finance and DSA.
- 5-6 months before: Book your needs assessment.
- 3-5 months before: Attend your needs assessment
- 4 months before: Contact disability support at the university
- 3 months before: Order your equipment and contact support providers.
- 1-3 months before: Start your assistive technology training.
- 1 month before: Confirm your support again, mobility, note-taking etc.
- 1-2 weeks before: Send timetable to support providers.
- Create email folders for DSA, university communications, and support providers.
- Create a DSA folder on your computer. Store your medical evidence, needs assessment report, DSA 1 and 2 letters, and any documents from support providers in this folder.
- Set calendar deadlines for key dates such as the UCAS application closing date, Student Finance applications opening, your needs assessment, and meetings with the university.
- Set reminders to chase up support. For example, once you’ve received your needs assessment report, set a reminder to chase student finance if you don’t receive your DSA2 letter. Do this at each stage of the process.
- Save all important contacts. Create contact cards for the DSA team at student finance, your needs assessment provider, any non-medical help providers, and disability support. This will reduce the need to search for details every time you need to get in contact.
- Test your technology and book your training as soon as it arrives!
- Use your email address, not your parents, for your student finance application! You need to be able to keep track of everything.
- Follow up on phone calls with an email. If a support provider agrees something over the phone, send an email confirming what has been agreed along with any timescales.
Welcome to adult life as a disabled person! There is way too much form filling for my liking, but it is unfortunately something we all have to get used to. University can be so much fun and I hope you have the best time.
Further resources:
- I’ve written a guide for parents to help them support their child through the application process. This includes for helping your teen take ownership of their support and ways you can build their independence in this area.
- The Thomas Pocklington Trust student support service has been set up to support blind and visually impaired students. They can offer advice regarding legal rights and getting support in place.
- Look has a university mentoring project which connects those who are planning on going to university or are in their first year with an older blind mentor.
- This blog by Look mentor Megan explains what it was like when she went to university as someone who is partially sighted.
- The UK government website provides information about Disabled Students Allowance including how to apply.
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